[Principal Registry of the Family Division]
No. of matter
Between Petitioner Solicitor’s ref
and Respondent Solicitor’s ref
Statement of Information for a Consent Order Duration of Marriage or Civil Partnership
In the case of a marriage: Give the date of your marriage and the date of the decree absolute (if pronounced).
In the case of a civil partnership: Give the date of the formation of the civil partnership and the date of the Þnal order (if made).
Ages of parties
Give the age of any minor (i.e. under the age of 18) or dependant child(ren) of the family. Petitioner Respondent
Summary of means
Give, as at the date this statement is signed overleaf:
(1) the approximate
amount or value of capital resources. If there is a property give its net equity and details of the proposed distribution of the equity.
(2) the net income of the petitioner and respondent and, where relevant, of minor or dependant child(ren) of the family.
(3) the value of any
beneÞ ts under a pension arrangement which you have, or are likely to have, including the most recent valuation (if any) provided by the pension scheme.
Note: if the application is only made for an order for interim periodical payments, or for variation of an order for periodical payments, you only need to give details of ‘net income’.
Where the parties and the children will live
Give details of the
arrangements which
are intended for the
accommodation of each of the parties and any minor or dependant child(ren) of the family.