Statement of Arrangements for Children

Other children of the family (Give details of any other children
treated by both of you as children of the family: for example your own or the Respondent’s)

To the Petitioner

You must complete this form
If you or the respondent have any children
• under 16; or
• over 16 but under 18 if they are at school or college or are training for a trade, profession or vocation.
Please use black ink.
Please complete Parts I, II and III.
Before you issue a petition for divorce or dissolution try to reach agreement with your spouse/civil partner over the proposals for the children’s future. There is space for him/ her to sign at the end of this form if agreement is reached.
If your spouse/civil partner does not agree with the proposals he/she will have an opportunity at a later stage to state why he/she does not agree and will be able to make his/her own proposals.
You should take or send the completed form, signed by you (and, if agreement is reached, by your spouse/civil partner) together with a copy to the court when you issue your petition.
Please refer to the explanatory notes issued regarding completion of the prayer of the petition if you are asking the court to make any order regarding the children.
The Court will only make an order if it considers that an order will be better for the child(ren) than no order.
If you wish to apply for any of the orders which may be available to you under Part I or II of the Children Act 1989 you are advised to see a solicitor.
You should obtain legal advice from a solicitor or, alternatively, from an advice agency. Addresses of solicitors and advice agencies can be obtained from the Yellow Pages and the Solicitors Regional Directory which can be found at Citizens Advice Bureaux, Law Centres and any local library.

To the Respondent

The petitioner has completed Part I, II and III of this form, which will be sent to the Court at the same time that the petition for divorce or dissolution is Þ led.
Please read all parts of the form carefully.
If you agree with the arrangements and proposals for the children you should sign Part IV of the form.
Please use black ink. You should return the form to the petitioner, or his/her solicitor.
If you do not agree with all or some of the arrangements of proposals you will be given the opportunity of saying so when the petition for divorce or dissolution is served on you.

Part 1 - Details of the children
Please read the instructions for boxes 1, 2 and 3 before you complete this section

Other children of the family (Give details of any other children

treated by both of you as children of the family: for example your own or the Respondent’s)

Other children who are not children of the family (Give

details of any children born to you or the Respondent that have not been treated as children of the family or adopted by you both)

Part II - Arrangements for the children of the family

This part of the form must be completed. Give details for each child if arrangements are different.

(If necessary, continue on another sheet and attach it to this form.)


Home details (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) The addresses at which the children now live

(b) Give details of the number of living rooms, bedrooms, etc. at the addresses in (a)

(c) Is the house rented or owned and by whom?

Is the rent or any mortgage being regularly paid?

n No n Yes

(d) Give the names of all other persons living with the children including your spouse/civil partner if he/she lives there. State their relationship to the children.

(e) Will there be any change in these arrangements?

n No n Yes

(please give details)


Education and training details (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Give the names of the school, college or place of training attended by each child.

(b) Do the children have any special educational needs?

n No n Yes (please give details)

(c) Is the school, college or place of training, fee-paying?

Are fees being regularly paid?

n No n Yes (please give details of

how much the fees are per term/year)

n No n Yes (please give details)

(d) Will there be any change in these arrangements?

n No n Yes (please give details)


Childcare details (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Which parent looks after the children from day to day? If responsibility is shared, please give details

(b) Does that parent go out to work?

o No o Yes

(please give details of his/her hours of work)

(c) Does someone look after the children when the parent is not there?

o No o Yes

(please give details)

(d) Who looks after the children during school holidays?

(e) Will there be any change in these arrangements?

o No o Yes (please

give details)


Maintenance (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Does your spouse/civil partner pay towards the upkeep of the children?

If there is another source of maintenance,

please specify.

o No o Yes

(please give details of how much)

(b) Is the payment made under a court order?

o No o Yes (please

give details, including
the name of the court
and the case number)

(c) Is the payment following an assessment by the Child Support Agency?

o No o Yes (please

give details of how much)

(d) Has maintenance for the children been agreed?

o No o Yes

(e) If not, will you be applying for:

· a child maintenance order from the court

· child support maintenance through the Child Support Agency?

o No o Yes

(please give details)

o No o Yes

(please give details)


Details for contact with the children (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Do the children see your spouse/civil partner?

n No n Yes

(please give details of how often and where)

(b) Do the children ever stay with your spouse/civil partner?

n No n Yes

(please give details of how much)

(c) Will there be any change to these arrangements?

Please give details of the proposed arrangements for contact and residence.

n No n Yes

(please give details)

Details of health (please tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Are the children generally in good health?

n No n Yes

(please give details of any serious disability or chronic illness)

(a) Do the children have any special health needs?

n No n Yes

(please give details of the care needed and how it is to be provided)

10. Details of care and other court proceedings (please tick the appropriate boxes)


Details of care and other court proceedings (please

tick the appropriate boxes)

(a) Are the children in the care of a local authority, or under the supervision of a social worker or

probation ofÞ cer?

n No n Yes

(please give details, including any court proceedings)

(b) Are any of the children on the Child Protection Register?

n No n Yes

(please give details of the local authority and the date of registration)

(c) Are there or have there been any proceedings in any court involving the children, for example adoption, custody/ residence, access/contact, wardship, care, supervision or maintenance? (You need not include any Child Support Agency proceedings here)

n No n Yes

(please give details and send a copy of any order to the Court)

Part III To the Petitioner

Part III To the Petitioner


If you and your spouse/civil partner do not agree Ƒ No Ƒ Yes

about arrangements for the child(ren), would you agree to

discuss the matter with a Conciliator and your

spouse/civil partner?


I declare that the information I have given is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Signed (Petitioner)


Part IV : To the Respondent

I agree with the arrangements and proposals contained in Part I and II of this form.

Signed (Respondent)


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