In the Casterbridge County Court
No. of matter:
Susan Henchard
Michael Henchard
• If you intend to instruct a solicitor to act for you, give this form to him/her immediately.
• Read carefully the notice of proceedings before answering the following questions.
• Please complete using black ink.
1. Have you received the petition for divorce delivered with this form?
1A. Are there any proceedings continuing in any country outside England and Wales which relate to the marriage or are capable of affecting its validity or subsistence? If so, please provide the following information:
(a) particulars of the proceedings, including the court in or tribunal or authority before which they were begun,
(b) the date when they were begun,
(c) the names of the parties,
(d) the date or expected date of any trial in the proceedings, and
(e) such other facts as may be relevant to the question whether the proceedings on the petition should be stayed under Article 19 of the Council Regulation.
1B. In which country are you –
(a) habitually resident?
(b) domiciled?
Of which country are you a national?
1C. Do you agree with the statement of the petitioner as to the grounds of jurisdiction set out in the peti¬tion? If not, please state the grounds on which you disagree with the statement of the petitioner.
2. On which date and at what address did you receive the petition?
3. Are you the person named as the respondent in the petition?
4. Do you intend to defend the case?
5. (In the case of a petition alleging adultery) Do you admit the adultery alleged in the petition?
6. Even if you do not intend to defend the case do you object to paying the costs of the proceedings?
If so, on what grounds?
7. (a) Have you received a copy of the statement of arrangements for the child(ren)?
(b) What was the date of the statement of arrangements? (the date beside the petitioner’s signature at Part 3)
(c) Do you agree with the proposals in that statement of arrangements?
If NO you may file a written statement of your views on the present and the proposed arrangements for the children. It would help if you sent that statement to the court offi ce with this form. You can get a form from the court offi ce.
8. (In the case of proceedings relating to a
polygamous marriage) If you have any wife/husband in addition to the petitioner who is not mentioned
in the petition, what is the name and address of each wife/husband and the date and place of your marriage to her/him?
9(a) You must complete this part if
. you answered Yes to Question 5
. you answered Yes to Question 7(c)
. you do not have a solicitor acting for you
Signed: Date:
Address for service:*
*Note: If you are acting on your own you should also put your
place of residence, or if you do not reside in England or Wales the address of a place in England or Wales to which documents may be sent. If you subsequently wish to change your address for service, you must notify the Court.
9(b) I am/We are acting for the respondent in this matter.
Signed: Solicitor for the respondent
Address for service:
Note: If your client answered Yes to Question 5 or Question 7(c) your client must sign and date at 9(a).
Address all communications to the Court Manager and quote the case number.
The Court Office at Prison Street, Casterbridge, Wessex CA1 1WX is open from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays only.